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The Ten Terrains and the Mind Players
It was 2015 when I discovered the ‘Ten Terrains’ (  I’ve since read their first-published book: Introducing the Ten Terrains of Consciousness.  I was quite attracted to this fascinating Model of Consciousness, in part, because it shares the general "Mind Player" belief that we’re all Spirit Beings having a "human" experience.  Although actually being quite profound in and of itself, that's just the beginning.
    According to the Ten Terrains Model, the vessel, or body, we inhabit experiences the world through one of ten different "Terrains".  Allen Reed, one of the founders of the Ten Terrains, stated that these ten Terrains have the effect of being “conditions upon which something manifests”.  After presenting this somewhat intellectual/right-brained type statement, I think it would be a good idea to also present a simple comparison in order to assure the highest level of clarity.   This comparison will be the type of soil in which something is planted.  Specifically looking at the hydrangea plant, it is well known that it will produce different coloured flowers depending upon how one fertilizes the soil.  It may also help to look upon the ten Terrains as parallel universes, each creating their own perceptions, beliefs, values and behaviors.  In other words, each Terrain could be looked upon as a fully unique greenhouse - an individual universe of miraculous wonderment - ready to be experienced and explored.  None are any "higher" or "lower" than the others, nor are any of them "more evolved" than the others.  Each one simply helps accommodate a perfectly legitimate and unique experience for a lifetime. 

    The Ten Terrains are basically sorted into ten different orbits called “The Continuum of the Ten Terrains of Consciousness”.  The space outside this continuum is called the "Void".  Out of this "No-Thing-ness" of the Void arises "Infinite Consciousness"/"Source" (or "Superconscious Field" in Mind Player terms).  The further each "Terrain" is from the Source (the centre orbit being the furthest point of separation from the Void), the more the "resistance" or "alienation" one experiences from the Source.
    Life experienced at the Continuum’s innermost Terrain would filter out any connection to the Source; and life experienced at the outermost Terrain would be Source directly.  One can only imagine what their Spirit Being was thinking when preparing to choose the Terrain to settle into for their new experience on this planet - if there was a choice.  
    Some people are presented with the opportunity to shift Terrains one or more times during their lifetime - always reducing resistance and moving to ever more expanding Terrains closer to the Infinite Consciousness (home).
    One of the most important advantages of this concept is the dissolving of frustration, anxiety and stress surrounding the question: “Why do so many people in the world see things in so many different ways?” (especially from me).  One can simply accept that there’s a reason and purpose for people seeing things differently, and there’s no need to try to "change" people.  Everyone is simply enjoying their "being-ness" wherever they’re at on the Continuum of Terrains.  The focus can then be centred upon one’s own journey.  
    I’m now completely non-judgmental, and actually envious in a way, of those Spirit Beings who’ve been brave enough to chose a further (or the furthest) Terrain from Source in their journey through this physical plane (partially or fully separated from our loving and nurturing Source).  Upon further discussions with the authors of the Ten Terrains Model, I've found that even the Terrain furthest from Source, "the Matter-Based Terrain (Particle)", still has some connection with Source [as it is inside of Source - either by Spirit, Soul (genetics), etc.] - even though it’s most likely unseen or not even consciously noticeable.  From my own experience, I feel the ever-present and constant pull towards Source, and I know that I’ve already migrated through several Terrains; but I can also be more compassionate towards those who are stationary within one single Terrain for a very long time (or their entire lifetime) because I sense how easy it is to become contented and totally consumed within any particular "universe".  I also seem to sense that (in some cases) even though there’s a knowledge of Source, there can actually be a fear of getting too close to Source.
How the Mind Players relate to the Ten Terrains
    Now that the Ten Terrains have been described, the question then becomes: How do the Mind Players function in these "parallel universes" of the Ten Terrains.  The Mind Players function the same - regardless of the Terrain.  No matter through which Terrain one experiences the world, the Mind Players are there to assist one’s journey inside of each of these Terrains.  
    The Mind Players are there solely to accommodate the Spirit Being’s needs when required.  These are occasions when the Spirit Being needs help in problem solving or an investigation of some sort - while journeying through their particular universe.  They are not there to psychoanalyse the Spirit Being or anyone else unless spontaneously called upon to do so.  For example, I think it would be safe to say that the conversations in which we generally engage with others are between one Spirit Being and another.  However, there are times,  when one is fully comfortable and familiar with one’s Mind Players (and their feeling and emotions), that it’s easy to detect a Mind Player attempting to take over the conversation.  I call this the conflict or competition of the "I’s".
    Not to get side-tracked, I sense it’s time for another comparison for clarification.  I think the Spirit Being’s relationship to the Mind Players can easily be compared to a ship Captain’s relationship with the ship’s crew.
















     After the captain enables the ship to set sail on a specific journey, the captain constantly monitors the crew members in order to assure: course is maintained, engines are running smoothly, radar is aware of other vessels' locations, weather updates are viewed for the potential of altering one’s course, etc.  I think it can easily be seen that this process takes place regardless of the ocean (Terrain) through which the ship is traveling.

    Try to see each one of the crew members as a fully independent and autonomous Mind Player.  As a helpful exercise, one can take out his or her Mind Player chart and go one by one, and ask the question: “What do you think or feel about this?”  Something I can’t explain, but have fully (and without doubt) experienced, is that each Mind Player is an autonomous entity with feelings and emotions of his or her own - very much separate from the Spirit Being.  I get the impression that the ‘Soul/Genetics’ aspect may be highly influential in the development of the Mind Players.  I told a local woman about the Mind Players not long ago - and admitted that I was not certain as to their origin.  She said that she believes that although there are Spirit Beings who decide to have a human experience in a human body, there are other Spirit Beings who just want to go along for the ride so-to-speak (and suggested that this may be the origin of the Mind Players).  If this were the case, while each Spirit Being may have their own Terrain, the main Spirit Being (who has ultimate control over the body) may be in the Spiral Terrain - but if one has a Dictator Mind Player, it may be in the Pyramid Terrain [just an idea].  Once one experiences the full autonomy (and personalities) of the Mind Players, there is endless material to share with others in conversations about each other’s Mind Players and their activities.  Note: The thoughts concerning potential relationships between Spirit Being and Mind Players have expanded (maybe the Spirit Being is Pure Awareness – only observing, and only along for the ride). 
See 1 January 2021 Update.
    If someone has the opportunity to cross an "Event Horizon of Perception" and expand from one Terrain to another (a Terrain Shift that enables one to move closer to knowing Infinite Consciousness), their full complement of Mind Players goes with them.  I've had the opportunity to help create Mind Player charts for individuals who are at different Terrains.
    I’ve found that one’s Terrain (universe) substantially influences how they react to questions found in the Mind Player Primary Questionnaire.  Therefore, I’ll eventually be developing separate Primary Questionnaires for each Terrain.  
    I’ve also stumbled upon something quite interesting: those who find themselves at the "Matter-Based Terrain (Particle)", the "Faith-Based Terrain (Radial)", the "Will-Based Terrain (Pyramid)" or the "Order-Based Terrain (Square)" may not be ready to be introduced to their Mind Players - with the exception of those at "Square" who are moving toward the "Reflection-Based Terrain (Diamond)".  Those most receptive may be people at "Diamond", the "Connection-Based Terrain (Circle)" and the "Coherence-Based Terrain (Spiral)".  And those at the "Fractal-Based Terrain (Toroid)", the "Unity-Based Terrain (Infinity)" and the "Void-Based Terrain (No Thing)" would most likely be so closely connected with Infinite Consciousness; they may have little need for the Mind Players.  However, I strongly sense that their Mind Players are still there and ready to be used, and it seems to be an individual choice as to how or when their Mind Players are used - regardless of their Terrain.
    Another interesting observation was that those at the Terrains of Toroid or Infinity seem to find it fabulously interesting and stimulating to interact with others who are at other Terrains in Mind Player activities.  It may be that they can be quite loving, empathetic and altruistically minded when it comes to helping others grow closer to their true "Self".


     In closing, I want to share an analysis, of which all of my participating Mind Players delivered after a final in-depth deliberation, that I think can be of tremendous benefit to anyone within this miraculous realm which we call "life": Knowledge of one’s Mind Players, and location on the Ten Terrains Continuum, provides a framework upon which those who embrace them may more greatly expand their ability to communicate with each other in an extremely higher level of appreciation, understanding and enjoyment.

To see my own personal journey of the Mind Players and the Ten Terrains click here:

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