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Mind Player Update 4 April 2021

Hearing Voices Update 4 April 2021

The February 2021 Hearing Voices group meeting was quite significant.  After I shared an experience I’ve had with my Mind Players one of the members asked me if I knew of a man by the name of Robert Anton Wilson (hereafter referred to as “RAW”).  I hadn’t.  He said that I sounded just like him.

Of course, upon returning home I immediately went on line and searched for RAW.  I found that he died in 2007.  During his lifetime he could be best described as a journalist and a prolific writer.  There were three of his books that first caught my attention:  Cosmic Trigger I, II and III.   I quickly got my hands on all three of them and read them.   I was amazed to find someone who was talking my language – although he was describing his experiences using different words.  What I call “Mind Players” he called “Selves”.   I’ve discovered that I currently have twenty “Mind Players”, and RAW stated that he had 24 “Selves”.  One of his most active “Selves” was someone who he called “The Writer of Satire”.  Being a very successful journalist and author, he, obviously, was in a comfort zone with his “Selves” – periodically inserting comments from any one of them throughout his writings.

One of his favourite interviewees who he wrote about quite often, and with whom he became good friends, was Timothy Leary.  Both he and Timothy Leary often spoke quite passionately about what they termed “Neurological Reality tunnels”.  They explained that each of our minds receive and process millions of pieces of data every minute; and it’s the peptides (a type of amino acid/hormone) that selects for us exactly which pieces of data are allowed through to our limited consciousness.  It’s the assemblage of this data (mysteriously selected for us) that creates our own unique neurological reality tunnel (or our own version of reality).  So, it truly is incredible that any of us are able to endure each other at all since we’re quite literally in completely different neurological reality tunnels.  So the world turns – in a very crazy way.   I’ve heard of the term “parallel universes” before, and this miraculous process may also play right into the model of the Ten Terrains of Consciousness..

It, apparently, was through this understanding that RAW had perfected his tremendous talent of writing Satire – finding the humour in people trying to communicate their “truth” via their own unique perspective of reality to others having their own unique perspective of reality – especially if they claim to believe it.  It appears that it's possible that there's a basic human condition, possibly the need to “belong”, that causes people to merge (or encourage others to merge) their neurological reality tunnels with one’s own.  The motivation seems to be the desire for love, self interest, or profit, etc.

As I read RAW’s books I had pen and paper ready to record his “Selves”.  I wanted to see if there were any similarities at all between his 24 Selves and my 20 Mind Players.  This was important to me since this is the only individual in the world (whom I have discovered)  who had expressed a very similar experience to mine.  And since there may be a potentially high percentage of people in the world who may experience this phenomenon, it may be helpful to share our experiences with them.

RAW did not make it easy: he does not conveniently list all his “Selves”.  It was up to the reader (me in this case) to decipher the identity of his “Selves”.  The following is my list (which may or may not be totally accurate):

Skeptic, Writer of Satire, Materialist, Neurological, Libertarian, Shaman, Numerologist, Anti-spiritualist, Oracle, Robot, Mystic, Pauper, Wizard, Investigator, Yogi, Researcher, Meta-programmer, Struggling Writer, Hedonist, Philosopher, Angel, Fool, Father, Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre.

If I’m not mistaken, he stated that his “Skeptic” usually has veto power over the rest of them.  Of my Mind Players, my Peacemaker is the most dominant – acting as the coordinator/manager/spokesman of the rest.

Of course I was able to see some similarities between my Mind Players and his Selves (maybe about four of them) – especially if I stretched the measuring parameters.  However, I was able to see quite clearly that he did not come close to following the framework that I had established during the discovery of my Mind Players (the process outlined on this web site).  Hence, I can only come to the conclusion that each of us can make those discoveries in our own time using our own processes.  I can only think that the process I have put forward on the Mind Player web site may, at least, be useful for some people to start the thought process of finding and identifying one’s “Selves” or “Mind Players” or “Spirit Kin” or whatever they may wish to call them.

Something I feel quite strongly about is that I think RAW and I have stumbled upon something that may very well be helpful for many people to better navigate through this extremely complex and remarkable miracle we call life.  And another thing we seem to have in common is the belief that humor is the lubricant within a world where abrasiveness appears quite frequently.

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