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Whence do Mind Players Come?

October 2016 Entry by Ricardo Johansson


This is the first of, hopefully, a number of articles concerning alternative thoughts about whence Mind Players come.


Although I generally entertained this question from time to time, I never spent any serious time considering it until I met with a friend near Byron Bay NSW Australia.


After giving her a brief introduction to the Mind Player concept, we discussed the possible origin of the Mind Players.  She said to me: “All I have learnt is that some people, who have passed and still have strong desires or interests in this worldly life, can become ‘attaching spirits’ to people who have those same desires or interests…; and could quite possibly increase the level of either goodness or otherwise of the person they are vicariously using to fulfill their desires.”  She then added: "It is also possible for spirits who enter the afterlife to be given the choice to be reincarnated or to progress through the realms of spiritual existence…… they often choose to come back…; but by the time they have done this through being born as a baby etc, the people they knew and the things they enjoyed have usually moved on.  The advice from the other side currently is NOT to come back unless you are strong enough to handle the changes this planet is experiencing and help mankind survive what is happening."
After considering what she had said, I thought it’s time to set up a section of the Mind Player web site that can start collecting many different ideas about the possible answers for others’ perusing interests.   


So, this will be the first.  After receiving the above input, I thought that it could be that a Spirit Being may get to experience this realm as a human being in various ways.  If not as a sole director of a human form, it may possibly be in the form of a Mind Player who gets to be in this realm again through another Spirit Being who has taken on a human form - but only in a secondary/piggyback (or arms length) kind of way.
If this were to be true, that would at least explain how a Mind Player has feelings and emotions, as well as a fully automonous personality, all of his or her own.  It could also explain the uniqueness of the Mind Players - except the Common Mind Players (of course they hold their own uniqueness).
Following this line of thought, one can only imagine that the Unique Mind Player positions are filled by other Spirit Beings after the ten Common Mind Player positions are completely filled.
I sensed that this concept could automatically develop a much higher level of respect and appreciation for of all one’s Mind Players.  Just to think of the potential "combined wisdom/knowledge (and stronger connection to Source)" that one would have could create a feeling of jubilation.


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