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   Marijuana and the Mind Players

   (An Example of the Mind Player Process)

By Ricardo Johansson


    One of my participants explained to me that he was a casual user of marijuana in the late sixties and early seventies.  He had completely avoided it for the next thirty-five years, but recently began again with casual usage - in his early sixties.   It was mainly when certain other close friends who used gathered together - or on occasions when his daughter was visiting.  He said that it appeared to create a special connection with her - rather than being on a totally different level with an impression of constantly judging her behavior.  

However, for the past six months he has been continually aware of an "avoidance" issue every time he sensed that it would be a good idea to take a serious look into the latest research concerning the potential harm of marijuana use.  It was a very real presence that was putting off any investigation - sort of like saying “It can wait - there’s plenty of time”, or “Just don’t go there!”.  He asked me for help to understand who was creating this "avoidance" and why.

Having helped create his Mind Player chart about eight months earlier, I asked him to go through his chart and see if he can find the problem himself.  He reported back to me that he made a serious effort one night, but didn’t come to any conclusions - and hadn’t got back to it since.  

I asked him to give me the blow-by-blow details of his experience.  He then began his story:

One night, after being affected by marijuana use, he got his chart out and started his Mind Player investigation.  He said that it was fascinating.  He had only gotten to the third Mind Player and already over two hours had elapsed.  He suggested that he thought he had found an alternative to TV - the experience was so exciting that time just flew by and there was no time for watching TV.  The only problem was that he had not finished with all the players, and he had gotten tired and fell asleep.  Of course, when he woke up the next morning, he had forgotten the results of the few Mind Players whom he had investigated.  He then said that he’d just have to get back to it some time in the future.

Then we looked at it together (with no influence from marijuana).  In about fifteen minutes we had the answer to his question, and it was quite enlightening for both of us.

We simply went through his individual Mind Players one by one - re-engaging and assisting his strong Observer, Problem Solver and Helper.  Each time we asked: “What advantage would this Mind Player have in ‘avoiding’ the investigation?”

We found that most all the Mind Players would actually think of the avoidance as a threat.  It could be feasible that the Helper could do such a thing in certain instances, but not in this case.  However, the Individualist and the Adventurer were found to be the main culprits.  We also saw that they were players who had only moderate influence - either individually or collectively.  It was easy to see that the Individualist could be quite satisfied with being fully comfortable experiencing marijuana - fully independent, separate and deadened from the mainstream.  And the Adventurer saw each marijuana trip as an adventure in and of itself (We’re going places baby!).

The question then became: “How were two of his common Mind Players who had only moderate influence, individually or collectively, able to overcome the influence of his other players - especially his strongest: Peacemaker, and his other three strong players: Helper, Problem Solver and Observer?”

Looking at his other Mind Players, it became obvious that there had been a collaboration of sorts in order for the two main culprits to have such a powerful controlling ability.  Although two of his weaker players were his Procrastinator and Dictator, they appeared to the two culprits as easy marks to pursue their game.  The Individualist and Adventurer colluded with the other two to form a very strong alliance, at least temporarily.  The Dictator could have been leading with the chant: “Get the hell out of our way - we’re having the time of our life!”.  The influence of the Procrastinator needs no further explanation - this situation fitting like a glove.  Then there was the Fantasist who most likely was happy to just go along for the ride - as well as the Artist/Creator who likes to believe marijuana "enhances" the creative experience.  Even his strongest Mind Player, the Peacemaker, appeared to be involved in the capacity of “Let’s just go along as a means to maintain peace at any cost”.  This effort amongst seven of his nineteen Mind Players was obviously a strong-enough campaign to weaken the other strong players - for six months.

Then there was the issue as to the "why" of the matter.  There could have very well been  a bit of "nostalgia" for the good old days - the time when he was using in his twenties.  Young people tend to focus on what they perceive to be the "fun" or ‘good’ times rather than the potential reality that they may have been using to deaden a fear or a pain of a certain reality.  After all, marijuana originated in the West from Mexico.  The very poor Mexicans, who were forced to toil in the fields 18 hours a day to simply survive, used the free and natural-growing plant to deaden their painful reality for the night.  They would then be ready to re-enter the fields the next morning.  When they were trucked into America in the early 1900’s to work those fields, the marijuana came with them - and spread into a new culture.  Then the United States political arm entered the scene.  As any parent knows, the best way to assure most of their children participate in a certain activity is to make it clear to the children that it is dangerous and prohibited (even though it may not really be true).

It was obviously the strong Helper (knowing very well that the participant was his first priority) who encouraged the participant to take the first step to find the blockage - only to be thwarted by marijuana use.  It was also the Helper who persisted to get him back on track to meet with me in order to help get down to the bottom of things.  It was also obvious that the Procrastinator, Dictator, Fantasist, and Artist were clear choices for this collaboration.

    At that time my participant was able to confirm the answer to the question as to the “who” and “why”, but it was time to actually pursue the matter of the original question that was being sidetracked by the "avoidance" campaign:  “Is marijuana harmful?”

Notwithstanding any scientific research, we went to his Observer to gain some insights concerning his own experiences during his recent marijuana use.  The following are some of those observations:

Most recently, it was marijuana use that thwarted his own investigation amongst his own Mind Players concerning potential negative effects of marijuana use.

His wife, who also started to use marijuana again after many years of non-use (to a much smaller degree), was being haunted with feelings that she was feeling the effects of very small marijuana usage for many days afterwards.  She, also originally thinking that occasional use with her daughter had some benefits, was thinking more about what would happen if there were an emergency and someone had to be brought to the hospital.  Who could drive if everyone’s driving abilities were impaired with marijuana usage? (Devil’s Advocate and Helper)

Concerning marijuana use with other close friends who are users, it appeared that everyone had a good laugh or two, but was self anaesthetising actually necessary for old friends to have a good time together? (observation via Helper and Devil’s Advocate)

The daughter eventually ended up in a much far worse situation.  Attempts to "connect" with her through marijuana use didn’t seem to help.

Recently, while doing some work in a neighboring community (with other users of marijuana), my participant ingested a ganja cookie without first asking the strength and suggested amount of intake for a casual user.  The result was that he was so out of it he could not conduct business properly, could hardly walk, and most likely made a fool of himself.

He also revealed to me that his marijuana use definitely caused him to be quite forgetful; and as he is getting on in age, he senses that he doesn’t need anything in his life that makes him even more forgetful.

Enough has been revealed for the Problem Solver to come to the conclusion that no scientific research is necessary.  The drawbacks already overwhelmingly outweigh the benefits.  

Then was a good time to allow the Judge to enter into the investigation and participate.

    The participant needs to be in closer touch with his Helper, Problem Solver and Observer.  Although there may come a time in the future when the Helper may suggest that marijuana use may be helpful to him (in a physical or mental sense such as to reduce pain - or to possibly allow for a fuller enjoyment of a music concert, etc.), there does not appear to be any evidence to support ongoing casual use at this time.

    Also, it appears that he needs to tap into the creative abilities of his other Mind Players to create events that will more fully satisfy his Individualist and Adventurer so that they are not left to their own devices to create activities for themselves.

    Also always keep in mind possible ways to use the Dictator and Procrastinator in positive ways - you certainly do not want them to become resentful or bored.

    Five to fifteen minutes a day for 30 days the participant should visualize a discussion with his Helper, Problem Solver and Observer.  The discussion should include strong suggestions for each of them to maintain their strength and connection with his Spirit Being.  The Spirit Being seemed to be taking time off and going along for the ride rather than being at the helm so-to-speak.

    Regularly go around to each Mind Player to monitor status and be fully aware of feelings and emotions of same on a continuous basis.



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